Monday, January 10, 2011

Strawberry Lemonade - New by Me

Sunday I had company coming over. The husband and I had decided before Christmas that we needed to stop buying pop (soda for those of you in different regions) because a) it was bad for us, b) it was expensive, and c) our toddler daughter is fast approaching the age where she will no longer take "This is Mommy's/Daddy's, you can't have it" for an answer, and we don't want to start her down the road of caffeine addiction when she still hasn't turned two. So, no pop in the house.

But company was coming. And I wanted something sweet to drink and to serve them, but not something full of powdered chemical bleck. So I fiddled around, looked up some recipes online, and came up with the following, which worked surprisingly well.

Strawberry Lemonade

1-2 c. fresh or frozen strawberries (I had frozen, because it's January)
1 c. lemon juice
1-1 1/2 c. sugar or other desired sweetener (adjust to taste)

In a blender or food processor, process strawberries, lemon juice, and sugar until well combined. Pour mixture into a 2 quart pitcher and add water to fill line. Stir well to dissolve. Serve cold.

Conclusion: Yummy! The seeds from the strawberries give it a bit more substance than you're used to having in lemonade, but once you get used to your drink having a texture, you don't even notice it, and this way you're getting the fiber from having actual strawberries. It was a lovely pink color in the pitcher, too: I'll try to take a picture next time I make this. I can't wait to try this with a mixture of fruit: Strawberry-Peach Lemonade, Strawberry-Mango Lemonade, etc.

Have any of you ever given up pop or other unhealthy drinks? Did it last?

1 comment:

  1. you inspired me. :) The kids loved it and it was healthier than the standard lemonade!
